God has been tooo good to me. His goodness is expressed to me daily, hourly, minutely, and even secondly. Reflection on His goodness is one of the neatest things I get to do in this life. I joyfully remember a lot of it, but sadly I know that I have forgotten a lot of it, too. From being adopted at the age of five days old by Christian parents to arriving back home safely this afternoon having driven a few miles on icy roads, truly my life is filled with His favor. And those years in between and the countless touches(of His) on my life, that is what this is all about. How they have shaped and reshaped and reshaped again and continue to shape. Living life with anticipation for what He has envisioned is exciting. I believe that His vision is far greater than my own and that is exciting, too. My heart's desire for us is that we will get to see glimpses of His vision while here on earth.
Think kingdom...
5 years ago